A big fat THANK YOU to every single person who made a call, sent a text, knocked on a door, wrote a postcard, signed a petition, attended a meeting, sent an email, responded to a Slack message, joined a protest, posted articles, uploaded videos, designed graphics,...

Phonebanking– Your Way

The concept of phonebanking goes way back, but now there are specialties: for example, some phonebanks target supporters to make sure they’re registered, plan to vote, and know how. Others are nonpartisan and are countering the efforts of some states to purge voter...

Trump vs. the U.S. Post Office

From Amanda McKay, Daily Kos Aug. 4 Trump’s reelection campaign has a multi-pronged strategy to prevent people from voting, as well as to sow confusion and distrust into the process. As Rolling Stone recently documented, it has three main points: • First, thanks...

Postcards & Letters

More ways to target swing states: From Indivisible 17: Flip the Senate An easy way to get postcards and addresses to write to voters in Maine (or other swing states) and remind them how important it is to vote in November. Click on the link below to volunteer to write...