More ways to target swing states:

From Indivisible 17:

Flip the Senate
An easy way to get postcards and addresses to write to voters in Maine (or other swing states) and remind them how important it is to vote in November.
Click on the link below to volunteer to write postcards to flip-able states. You can choose any of the states listed. All efforts will make a difference in helping to turn the Senate BLUE in November. Maine’s Senator Susan Collins voted to stop the Affordable Care Act and voted to approve Brett Kavanaugh for the Supreme Court.
When you volunteer, specify how many postcards you would like to write and they will be sent to you for free. You supply the 35 cent stamps to send them out. All cards will be mailed in October.

Send Postcards to Flip the Senate:
If link doesn’t work here, email:

From Paul Hogarth, Daily Kos:

Letter Campaign
Vote Forward has targeted Democratic-leaning voters in 12 swing states who are less than 50% likely to vote. Because we can’t knock on their doors during this pandemic, and because most people don’t live in swing states anyway, volunteers will be writing personalized letters to these infrequent voters explaining why it’s important to exercise the right to vote. The goal is to write and stockpile 10 million letters between now and October 27 before dropping them in the mail all at once mailed in what organizers are calling “The Big Send.”

We are at 2.34 million letters claimed, with a little more than three months left. So, while so many of us are stuck at home, this is a perfect get-out-the-vote activity that you can safely do on your own time, no matter where you live, without even having to talk to anyone. That’s why it’s the most popular Get Out the Vote activity Daily Kos members have engaged in so far in 2020, with over 15,000 active volunteers.

Click to sign up:

If this link doesn’t work, email: