Description of the Committee
The Environment Committee is focused on the global climate crisis, engaging our members and neighbors in environmental matters through action primarily at the local and state level.
As a member of the Climate Can’t Wait coalition and working alongside advocacy groups such as Food & Water Watch, NYPIRG, Environmental Advocates of NY, and NY Renews, we pressure the state to stop all new fossil fuel infrastructure and demand that the governor and legislature ensure that the reduction in greenhouse gas emissions mandated by the Climate Leadership & Community Protection Act (CLCPA) is met.
Knowing that frontline and disadvantaged communities have borne and will continue to bear the brunt of the impact of the climate crisis, we are committed to promoting legislation and taking actions that address environmental justice.
Our focus this year will be on passing the NY HEAT Act, the Plastic Packaging Reduction and Recycling Infrastructure Act (S1464/A1749), the Bigger Better Bottle Bill, and on the implementation of the Build Public Renewables Act. We will also push back against the Governor’s new nuclear initiatives.